play | Plays a song with the given name or url. |
disconnect | Disconnect the bot from the voice channel it is in. |
np | Shows what song the bot is currently playing. |
ping | Checks the bot's response time to Discord. |
skip | Skips the currently playing song. |
search | Searches YouTube for results of a URL. |
loop | Loops the current song or the entire queue. First time loops the entire queue, second time loops the current song. |
join | Summons the bot to your voice channel. |
resume | Resume paused music. |
settings | Change Radio-Head's settings. |
move | Moves a certain song to the first position in the queue or to a chosen position |
pause | Pauses the currently playing track. |
invite | Links! |
queue | View the queue. To view different pages, type the command with the specified page number after it (Example: "!queue 2"). |
bugreport | Allows you to report any problems with Radio-Head. |