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Radio-Head provides a variety of commands for you to use!







play Plays a song with the given name or url.
disconnect Disconnect the bot from the voice channel it is in.
np Shows what song the bot is currently playing.
ping Checks the bot's response time to Discord.
skip Skips the currently playing song.
search Searches YouTube for results of a URL.
loop Loops the current song or the entire queue. First time loops the entire queue, second time loops the current song.
join Summons the bot to your voice channel.
resume Resume paused music.
settings Change Radio-Head's settings.
move Moves a certain song to the first position in the queue or to a chosen position
pause Pauses the currently playing track.
invite Links!
queue View the queue. To view different pages, type the command with the specified page number after it (Example: "!queue 2").
bugreport Allows you to report any problems with Radio-Head.